Welcome to Bella Vita’s first blog! For our first blog, it was a no brainer on who we should ask. She has been a volunteer with us for a little over a year and a half now. In that time, she has grown to be an asset to our organization. We would like to introduce you to our very own Kayla Garbison! Kayla volunteers to do all of Bella Vita’s laundry by washing and sorting through all of the donated clothes. Her willingness to do our laundry a huge blessing!
Over time, Kayla was put in charge of making sure the boutique was filled with clothing and other items that a baby or toddler might need. Kayla does an amazing job of making sure everything in the boutique is organized and can be easily found. When we asked Kayla what influenced her to volunteer, she said, “Angela had gotten up at church one Sunday and was talking about Bella Vita. I didn’t really know much about it at the time, but God was tugging on my heart to help out in some way. For a couple weeks, this went on because I was not sure what to do or how to approach Angela. I’m often shy until I get comfortable around people. Angela had made a post on Facebook about needing help with washing and sorting through the laundry at Bella Vita. I saw the post from a mutual friend at the time and knew when I saw it, that was how I was going to help out.”
During our interview, Kayla told us that she has grown to love and enjoy helping others in any way that she can. Not to mention all of the new friendships she has formed with some wonderful people. Kayla said that it’s not only the friendships she’s built but also the friendships she’s seen form between the Bella Vita clients. She’s enjoyed seeing how they’ve all turned into one big family! Kayla loves how the mothers are so caring and dedicated to helping each other out. Kayla explained that she sees a lot of the same people come in when she goes in and is always interested in hearing their stories.
We asked Kayla if she had any advice for people who want to volunteer, and she told us, “My first word of advice is to pray about it. If you want to volunteer but feel like you can’t help, ask God to guide you. Secondly, contact one of the sweet women at Bella Vita and ask them if there is anything you can do to help. BV is so much more than just a pregnancy crisis center. People that come in deal with daily life situations just like you and I do, you may be able to help someone out more than you think.” We cannot express how much we appreciate and love having Kayla as one of our many volunteers! Getting to know her has been such a blessing. We are excited to see what the future holds for her! We hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit about our fantastic volunteer Kayla Garbison!